Ce soir les amis ca se passe ici : Marseille 13 : festival acontraluz…

Ce soir les amis ca se passe ici :
Marseille 13 : festival acontraluz : flammes CO2 : Darius

Mouilleron le captif 85 : festival Face et si : laser , Streamers : lost frequencies

Nant effect ce week end rayonne dans la France entière

☀️ It is almost the end of an amazing and beautiful summer, a lot of incredible gigs and nice people all over the world !

⭐️ Here is a little after-movie of one of my biggest dreams and surely a highlight of this summer : my dj-set at Tomorrowland…

? Thank you everybody for the love, never thought my « Lost Frequencies » project would’ve become so big, and this is all thanks to you !

2015-09-05T08:38:54+01:00septembre 5th, 2015|Live news, News|